What is a “Clone” Homebrew Recipe?

Good To Know

In the homebrewing world, a “clone recipe” refers to a homebrew-scaled version of a beer made by a commercial brewery.

Sometimes these clones come straight from the source, with the pro brewer providing the exact version of their recipe scaled down to homebrew volumes. Others are formulated by homebrewers who do their best sleuthing to develop a recipe that gets close to the real deal.

The Benefits of Clone Recipes

One of the best reasons for making clone recipes is being able to go to your local beer store, grab a bottle of the pro-brewed beer the clone is based on, and see how your rendition compares. Especially when brewing a clone recipe straight from the commercial brewery, comparing your version with the real thing is a great way to assess your brewing processes and what needs to be done to get closer and closer to a perfect cone.

Brewing clones is also a great way to get to experience commercial beers that are tough to get your hands on. Whether you want to try a beer that isn’t distributed to your state or can’t wait for that seasonal that is months away, brewing clones can help scratch the itch while improving your homebrewing chops.

Finding a Clone Recipe

The American Homebrewers Association has a large selection of clone recipes in our Homebrew Recipe Library. You can filter the library by clones or use our homebrew recipe collections below to browse through curated clone recipes.

beer pour square

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The post What is a “Clone” Homebrew Recipe? appeared first on American Homebrewers Association.

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