The Malt Miller | Brew With Us | Vienna Lager Brew Day | Part 1

Beer Kit
In this weeks video we’re kicking off our new “Brew With Us” series with a Vienna Pesudo Lager! The idea behind “Brew With Us” is that we showcase a brewing method or style that we love or that’s new to the brewing community and you join us in brewing the style, share your thoughts and your feedback and get the community focusing on some of the best new styles and methods.

We’ve made this out first video because we absolutely love all the lager styles that have hit the craft beer scene in the last year or two and we’re seeing lots of home brewers say the same. The only draw back in brewing a lager is the time it can take when you use traditional lager yeast, in this video we’re challenging the norm and using Lutra from Omega yeast, which is a Kviek strain and can rip through your fermentation in a matter of days.

We would love you to have a go at brewing this recipe too and can find two versions of the kit here

If you want to learn more on the topic of brewing with Kviek or the Vienna lager style then check out these books too!

Don’t forget, if you have an idea for a video then drop us a comment below!

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