
The old principle that beer simply goes with pizza is outdated. People are now putting more thought into these pairings, as they have with the proliferation of superlative pizza offerings. A six-pack of whatever and a pie may no longer suffice, especially when you can find such nuance in enjoying a margherita with Pils, pepperoni […]

The post Pizza by the Pint appeared first on CraftBeer.com.

This week I highlight some of the great features in BeerSmith Web, which is our online version of BeerSmith you can use from any device. Simply create an account and log in at BeerSmithRecipes.com to give it a try. Also the editor is part of your license if you have a Gold, Platinum or Pro […]

10K IPA Empower

(GREELEY, CO)— Continuing with their mission of giving back to the community in impactful ways, WeldWerks Brewing will release the next edition of their philanthropic series, 10K IPA. 10K IPA: Empower Editon was brewed for A Woman’s Place and The Sexual Assault Victim Advocate Center (SAVA), two local nonprofits that provide support and resources for […]

The post WeldWerks Brewing Brews 10K IPA: Empower Edition for A Woman’s Place and SAVA appeared first on The Full Pint - Craft Beer News.