homebrew conference
This month, we’re giving away a year’s supply of Viking Malt! Enter for your chance to win here: https://www.morebeer.com/content/FreeBeerFriday We’re giving away Nate’s Citrus Bomb beer kits this week! Fill out our weekly survey to enter to win here: https://www.morebeer.com/content/FreeBeerFriday Subscribe to MoreBeer! on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv58v5jA_N-kdVMpLB-yL5w?sub_confirmation=1 0:00 Intro 0:11 Recapping Homebrew Con 2022 5:22
We summarize and wrap up our trip to Homebrew Con in Pittsburgh, PA. We had a great time at Homebrew Con. There were many great talks, excellent vendor booths, and some amazing homebrew. The best part of it all was meeting viewers that came up to say hi. Thanks so much for everyone’s hospitality. We