
Ecliptic Eighth Orbit

(Portland, OR) – In celebration of Ecliptic Brewing’s Eighth Anniversary on October 20th, the company will release an Italian-style Pilsner in both draft and 16-ounce cans. Eighth Orbit: Italian-style Pilsner is brewed with Pilsner malt, Imperial Harvest yeast and is heavily dry hopped, with a hop bill including Magnum, Adeena, Wurttemberg, and Saaz. A crisp, clean […]

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Today I focus on some of the principles of good beer recipe design, and how they can help improve your beer. As many of you know I’ve been doing presentations and classes on the topic of beer recipe design for some time now, and thought it best to summarize some of the key elements below: […]
This week I take a look at the hop cone and how its composition affects flavors when brewing beer. Hop Cone Composition If we look at the hop cone image (upper right, Source: Stan Hieronymus) we can see the various parts of the hop cone. The bulk of the compounds we are interested in are […]
This week I take look at hop isomerization in beer brewing and how it applies to brewers. Isomerized alpha acids in beer are the primary bittering compound used to offset the sweetness of the malt in beer. What is Isomerization? Isomerization is a process where a molecule is transformed into another molecule that contains the […]