Octoberfest All Grain Brewing Kit – More Like a Festbier!

Beer Kit
John brewed an Octoberfest Lager (more like a Festbier) using a full recipe kit from a local homebrew shop. This week, we give it a taste test!

John felt like taking a chance on a pre-made recipe kit from one of our local homebrew shops, Jasper’s Home Brew Supply in Nashua NH. We’ve been frequenting this shop with a little more regularity lately and we’ve been very impressed with the products and service there. Knowing that October is for lagers, it made sense to get a ready-to-go beer recipe kit from this shop. John wanted something that was easy to follow so he could have another lager available on tap for this month.

We really liked the overall drinkability of this beer. It was super crisp and refreshing. The hop balance is perfect and the noble hop character shines through in a great way. This recipe tends to make more of a golden lager that is reminiscent of the Festbier style of lager supposedly more commonly served in the Munich celebration of Octoberfest.

We are little more used to Märzen style of lager as Octoberfest here in the States that is more orange in color and has more of that bready punch in the flavor.

Either way, this was a very well brewed beer and the recipe made a great drinkable lager.

Tell us about your lager brewing and Octoberfest beers.

Check out our blog:

Festbier All Grain Recipe Kit Review

#festbier #octoberfest #homebrewing

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