Northern Brewer University’s online course Homebrewing 310: Brew in a Bag introduces students to the essential equipment and processes involved in Brew in a Bag (BIAB), the easiest way to homebrew all-grain beer recipes with minimal investment of new equipment, time, or space. The goal of this class is to give students a technical overview of all-grain brewing and an in-depth look at how BIAB simplifies that process. To make you more comfortable with the BIAB method the course includes two full-length brew day demonstrations; you’ll see a small batch of beer brewed inside on a kitchen stovetop and a full-size five gallon batch brewed outdoors in a garage with the assistance of a pulley system. #homebrew #BIAB #onlinecourses
The course is completely on demand, allowing you to complete it on your schedule. Once purchased you’ll have unlimited access to the course content with no expiration or time limit.
Total running time: approx. 45 minutes plus supplemental reading. Once you have purchased this course, you may watch it as many times as you like.
Sign up for Homebrewing 310: Brew in a Bag